Shai-jo-Arashani Wiki


Amanu inada! Welcome to the Shai-jo-Arashani (Hall of Records). This is the semi-secret and semi-private world building wiki for the sci-fi/fantasy fusion setting of Des Prime and the Dyari. I kindly ask that you not edit or alter anything at this point in time, as I use this for my own reference primarily and I like to keep things as they are. Besides, all edits I'll just end up reverting, but I'd prefer you save me the time and keep your hands off.

That said, feel free to browse and explore, especially if you're a friend.

ForestFrederick (talk) 18:51, February 3, 2015 (UTC)


“The Dyari (singular: Dyar, see attached linguistic analysis) are a group of some note in the Arik Cluster, though they have little to offer on anything more than a local scale. They, like virtually all inhabitants of the Arik Cluster, originate from a group of Zarishian Exodites who existed during the time of the First Diaspora, shortly after the Alagian Collapse, and well before the time of the Shaperate. Contact with the Shaperate has only been made very recently, which should explain much about them, as even within the Arik Cluster they are considered primitive, insular, and isolated.

“As the sciences of planetology and terraforming were still in their nascent stages, the original colonists of the Arik Cluster bore the artificial R1Z12 genetic markers (commonly referred to as the “abhuman” gene, see attached genome survey). To paraphrase the esteemed Dr. Lors Hutzman on this subject, these markers could be activated in an individual via the administration of a chemical activator. They would then produce rapid genetic mutation and variation based on environmental and other factors detected by the artificial gene-synapses (a precursor to contemporary “smart genes”), following certain predetermined parameters, and working over the course of several generations before falling dormant once again, thus allowing a population to quickly adapt to whatever harsh environment they might find themselves in.

“As is well documented, this archaic practice did tend to lead to a certain level of genetic homogeneity, and the Dyari are certainly no exception. Though it has not yet been studied what effects this had on their physiology as a whole, the effects it had on the physical appearance of the Dyarin people are quite remarkable, and perhaps the most dramatic of any of those affected by the R1Z12 markers. Thus, although it is not customary to describe such things, I shall briefly record the outward appearance of the Dyari and include visual references.

“Perhaps the most striking change to their appearance is the tone and hue of their skin which, although it can vary, is almost always a dark crimson. I do not mean the flushed tone of normal human skin, but something even darker and more vibrant than the color of blood, if you will forgive such poetic language. In addition, their hair is always a glossy blue-black color, though it does rather swiftly turn to white with age. Finally, their eyes are all white, the iris and pupil only barely distinguishable from the sclera. This is not due to any form of cataract, however, and it is unknown what causes it and what effects it has on their eyesight.

“It should also be noted that the Dyari exhibit very little in the way of sexual dimorphism, many appearing entirely androgynous. After careful study of their society, however, I believe this is helped in part by their cultural lack of distinction between any form of sex or gender, the only real distinction being found in the context of their language, but that too appears to only be a relic from a much earlier period.

“The Dyari are natives to the planet Des Prime, one of two planets orbiting the G4 star Desar (occasionally referred to as Desa, see attached astronavigational coordinates and planetological surveys). Although being more terrestrial than marine, Des Prime was originally a rather verdant, lush, and semi-tropical world. For this reason, as well as its wealth of minerals and other natural resources, the Dyari never ventured beyond their own world. The climate and abundance of life, however, was drastically and irreparably damaged by an event known as the Cataclysm which occurred roughly seventy five standard years ago.

“Either an asteroid or perhaps a comet struck Des Prime, causing disaster on a global scale. Though the effects of this collision were not well documented at the time, it is estimated that up to seventy eight percent of the population were killed either in the initial aftermath or due to the subsequent changes caused by the event. A tremendous amount of dirt, dust, sand, and other debris was thrown up into the atmosphere and a volcanic chain reaction on a global scale was begun as well. This created a somewhat runaway greenhouse effect, drastically altering the world’s climate.

“How many species of both flora and fauna died off due to climatic change is unknown, but I believe it is safe to say the majority of all living things suffered either complete extinction or at least near extinction. The historical and social impact this disaster had upon the Dyari is still being studied, but this leads me to the subject of Dyarin culture and society.

“It may come as some surprise to learn that there is no central government for all Dyari. There is no individual or singular body that rules over all of them, instead there is a semi-feudal system in place split up into six “Great Houses” as they are called. No house holds any sway over another and there is an ever changing and often frustratingly complex system of alliances and rivalries in place. One might best think of them as six separate nations, though bound by one culture, one history, one heritage, one language, and one religion (which shall be discussed later).

“Furthermore, the Dyari adhere to a strict caste system which I shall now describe. At the top are the Jeduri (clergy), then the Adusi (warriors and aristocrats), then the Banuri (skilled laborers, merchants, artisans, landowners, minor officials), then the Madosi (unskilled laborers), and finally the Nudhi (outcasts, outlaws, and criminals). One’s caste is defined by the caste of one’s parents and family and is almost always a permanent thing.

“Perhaps the only unifying force among the Dyari as a whole is their religion called alternately the Dyarin Faith or the Temple (although the latter refers primarily to the clergy, their hierarchy, and organization). Their religion is polytheistic in nature, although it does share many similarities with monotheistic religions and other forms of religion as well. A complete description and explanation of their faith, however, would be quite lengthy and thus shall be attached separately. The Dyari are an incredibly pious people with religion, ritual, prayer, and other such trappings playing a very central role in day to day life.

“Technologically, the Dyari are most striking, though not for any advancement but for quite the opposite. Being such naturally staunch traditionalists, the Dyari as a general rule prefer to do things the traditional (i.e. primitive) way, namely for fear of the gods who might punish them for changing how things are done (a central Dyarin belief is that the “Cataclysm” was divine punishment for just this very thing). Only the wealthy and the aristocracy use any technology of even the most remotely modern level, and then only sparingly.”

- Sociocultural Census of the Dyarin Peoples for Formal Report to the Shaperate, Independent Census Officer Isigg Mar Del

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